Archive | May, 2012

Cindy as Miuccia?

31 May

When I don’t have time, I often save interesting articles/magazines for months and months until I can sit down & read them. Just last week I found a stack of papers & magazines of stuff to read and one was the Times Magazine (London) with Miuccia Prada from April 2012, and the other was the Financial Times Magazine of Cindy Sherman from February 2012. They sat on top of each other and looking at the pile with the 2 magazine covers slightly askew of each other I thought, “wow, Miuccia looks like a Cindy project”! Am I right? Maybe Cindy Sherman did a secret Prada piece for The Times?



Exclusive First Look at Madonna’s Costumes!!!

31 May


Sooo exciting for Madonnaphiles!!! Take a look at Madonnas “looks” for her new tour!! JP Gaultier! Jeremy Scott! Alexander Wang! Prada, darling! & of course the amazing, Arianne Phillips! It’s like an Ab Fab dream tour.  I love the digital imagery of some of the sketches. Madonna gets a big fab star for this!

Exclusive First Look at Madonna’s Costumes –


A Brief History of John Baldessari

30 May

What a great combo: John Baldessari & Tom Waits!

Hussein for Puma – Remarkable

25 May

The brilliant Hussein Chayalan has been working with Puma for a few years now and the stuff that comes out of this collaboration is always amazing. But today as I was shopping in Selfridges for some jeans for my bf, I happened across these Hussein/Puma meets batman meets otherworldycreature sneakers. I love love love them. They came out Fall 11 – I can’t believe I just now found them. I’ve been really hating fashion right now (I have a love/hate relationship with fashion), & these gorgeous sci-fi-sneeks got my fashion juices going again. My birthday is just around the corner, just in case anyone was wondering what to get me (not so subtle hint).

Finally inspired

25 May

Gosh I haven’t written on my blog for a looong time. I missed the big awards shows, but guess what…the fashion wasn’t particularly interesting. Grammy’s, yawn. Oscars, snore-fest. Then I went home to Texas for a little while, then I moved houses here in London, now it’s summer and I’m feeling inspired by the sun. So I have a few new ideas that I will be posting soon. Keep checking back por favor. xo, d